Saturday, 5 March 2011

Further Improvements

For my next draft I need to include another image with a different type of shot to give a better range, for this I plan to do an over the shoulder shot of someone looking at their pump. As I don't have a pump and don't know anyone with one I will have to create a fake one using one of my diabetic machines. I plan to fit this at the bottom left of the right page by moving some of the bags and text closer. This will also eliminate some of the white background.
One worry was that there was too much white showing, but after looking through multiple magazines I noticed there were reasonable amounts of white showing though no block spaces. This is a problem for my right page which should be solved by the extra image.
I realised I also need to grammar and spell check all the writing that has been done.
Finally some of the images and text need to be moved that are too close together or too close to the sides of the page.

Hopefully after more feedback I will have more feedback on how to improve.

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